Download Skynet Module Progdvb Cccam
Offline download is a free manner and easy way for everyone that use to download files and data from satellite. With this manner you can use some software such as Sky n et.
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There are often 2 kind of this offline download software. The old one that must be started with ProgDVB and the new one that is separately. Now we would like to talk about the new Skynet., which can download the data separately. After Download this software, you have to unzip and copy in a partition that has large free space. This kind of Skynet has to start with Streamreader.
It’s important that this streamreader must be set with your DVB-S/S2 tuner card Driver. Then, here is a quick installation guide for using Skynet and streamreader to start offline download by skynet. Step 1: Open Skynet folder and copy streamreader of your in the main folder. Open “skynet.ini” to edit TP specification. At the button you should put or edit TP and put PID (you can use general pid 8192 or use the specific pid for the TP). Step 2: Run Skynet 1.
You can see downloading data in Skynet window. 2 Complete files will be saved in OK folder, incomplete files in incomplete folder and temporary files in temp folder. Are all compatible with their own streamreaders, which are aslo fully compatible with the new skynet. There is no doubt that TBS series tuner cards would be a great compliance with many software to watch satellite tv on PC, such as DVBDream, ProgDVB, AltDVB, Skynet, Skygrabber,TSreader.
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With TBS6981 PCI-E DVB-S2 Dual Tuner card and Skynet, you can download 2 transponders’ data (movie, music, pictures) synchronously, or, you can download files from one tuner, and watch the must-see program from another tuner. In another word, TBS satellite tuner card series and Skynet bring more fun to you.
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